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You will receive or have received your download message page and/or your email (perhaps it landed in spam or junk mail) -- believe me -- you don't want to lose it.

In fact, here's the download link just to make sure you receive this gift. Click the image.

Please take a moment to assure any future gifts will easy make it into your inbox.

How to Whitelist

[email protected]


1. Click the gear icon in Gmail and select "See all settings" from the Quick settings menu.

2. Navigate to "Filters and Blocked Addresses" in the top menu.

3. Select "Create a new filter."

4. Add in the "From" field.

5. Click "Create filter."


1. On the Tools menu, click Options.

2. On the Preferences tab, under E-mail, click Junk E-mail.

3. Click the Safe Senders tab.

4. Select the "Automatically add [email protected] to the Safe Senders List check box.


1. Open Yahoo Mail and log into your account.

2. Navigate to “Settings” then click “More Settings.”

3. Select “Filters” and hit “Add” to enter [email protected]

4.Name the filter and add the email address.

5. Select to send all mail to “Inbox.”

6. Save your settings.


1. Click on "Options" in the upper right corner of your Hotmail screen.

2. Then click the link for "Safe and Blocked Senders" in the body of the page under Junk e-mail.

3. Click the "Safe Senders" link and enter [email protected]

4. Click "Add" to put it on your list.

Running Wild Explorers green logo

108 South Main St #1018

Rusk, TX 757855

Phone: 936-315-3154

Email: [email protected]

© 2023 Running Wild Explorers. All Rights Reserved